Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Artist Formerly Known As

Piper and I have been talking about starting a blog for awhile now (she's got her own). In fact I picked this blog title back before Zoey was born with the ambitious idea of documenting our trial and error method of parenthood.

It's been years since I've blogged. In fact my last shot into the internets was February 19, 2007 on xanga. Talk about reminiscing time, bonus points if you know the old moniker. It's conveniently coincidental how the same reason I stopped blogging is the same reason I'm beginning again. That blog post read a simple "I love my parents". Nothing has changed.

Nothing except now I'm married, a newly minted father, learning to call a new church home, in the battlefield of a home renovation, and just trying to keep my head above water. The list most definitely goes on...